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Left 4 Dead 2 Funny Moments but It's the New Minions Movie 1 год назад

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Left 4 Dead 2 Funny Moments but It's the New Minions Movie

BANANA!!! Anyway, thanks for reading the description. Makes me smile. In this video Sway is joined by Fran, Harv, and Teddy as they fight through hordes of infected minions in this crazy Left 4 Dead 2 mod. Watch as they struggle and scream at all the weird minion zombies! Be sure to like and subscribe, and I hope you all enjoy. ~Friends in the Video~ @HarvHD5 @FranDaMan1 @Tedzaster69 ~Thumbnail Artist~ Halee YT -    / haleeangel   Insta -   / toaster_strooodle   Website - ~Plugs~ Discord -   / discord   Twitter -   / heyysway   Twitch -   / heyysway​​   Insta -   / heyysway   ~Outro Song~ MAJOR CRIMES by HEALTH & Window Weather (Cyberpunk 2077)    • CYBERPUNK 2077 SOUNDTRACK - MAJOR CRI...   Left 4 Dead 2 Funny Moments but It's the New Minions Movie #L4D2 #Minions #funny
