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Nick | Detective Thriller | Full Movie | Murder Witness

Margret is a police officer in a small town where nothing ever happens. But her happiness is shattered when she receives a call from Social Services. Nick, her fifteen-year-old stepbrother, has just been expelled from boarding school. Stars: Cooper Crafar, Molly Malcolm, Melina Matthews, Timothy Gibbs, Elisabet Terri Directed by Jose Pozo ** If you enjoyed this movie, be sure to check out our new YouTube channel dedicated exclusively to action and adventure movies. Subscribe to Stash - Action! -    / @stash_action   ** Subscribe to Stash Movies! -    / @stash_movies   Grab the edge of your seat, suspend your disbelief, and dive into the world of suspense and intrigue. Thrillers will grip you from start to finish, as secrets unravel, conspiracies are unveiled, and tension escalates. Get ready to be captivated by mind-bending mysteries on Stash Movies. Original programming available solely on Stash Movies. Watch hundreds of movies for free. Enjoy unlimited streaming with no credit cards, no subscription, and half the ads of regular TV. Stash Movies is building the world’s largest catalog of free movies and TV. There is something for everybody; from drama to romance, documentaries to classics, and niche favorites such as horror and classic westerns. ** All of the films on this channel are under legal license from various copyright holders and distributors through Filmhub. For copyright concerns or takedown requests, please contact your Filmhub Account Manager or visit and they will help you resolve your issue. ** If you are a filmmaker and want to include your film on this channel, visit ** Check out the IMDb page for more info on this film, #fullfreemovies #stashmovies #freeyoutubemovies #detective #witness
