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Скачать с ютуб Western Armenia is Ready to Protect the Rights of Tavush Residents: Armenag Aprahamian в хорошем качестве

Western Armenia is Ready to Protect the Rights of Tavush Residents: Armenag Aprahamian 1 месяц назад

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Western Armenia is Ready to Protect the Rights of Tavush Residents: Armenag Aprahamian

Subscribe to our channel News of Western Armenia TV Hostess - Armine Sahakyan 1. Western Armenia is Ready to Protect the Rights of Tavush Residents: Armenag Aprahamian 2. Tribute to Stéphane Margossian 3. It is Necessary to Take Steps to Stop the Violations to the Rights of Armenian Prisoners of War 4. De-escalation at Our Borders and Within our Borders. Vahe Hovhannisyan 5. Only 1437 people from Artsakh applied for citizenship of Eastern Armenia 6. News from Javakhk 7. "Salome". The Restored Masterpiece of Vardges Surenyants is Displayed in the National Gallery of Armenia Official website: Facebook: Email: [email protected] Tel: + (374) 60 521920 Address: Agatangeghos 2, Yerevan Armenia
