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Скачать с ютуб The FINALS! ALGS Split 1 Playoffs Final Circles ft. TSM, ACEND, NRG, XSET | Apex Legends в хорошем качестве

The FINALS! ALGS Split 1 Playoffs Final Circles ft. TSM, ACEND, NRG, XSET | Apex Legends 1 год назад

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The FINALS! ALGS Split 1 Playoffs Final Circles ft. TSM, ACEND, NRG, XSET | Apex Legends

It all came down to this! Match Point Finals for the ALGS Split 1 Playoffs, live from London. See all the Final Circles from the last day of competition as teams like TSM, ACEND, NRG, XSET, and more all vied to be Apex Legends Global Series Split 1 champions. Game 1 - 0:00 Game 2 - 1:21 Game 3 - 2:41 Game 4 - 4:52 Game 5 - 6:28 Game 6 - 7:30 Game 7 - 9:41 Game 8 - 11:09 Apex Legends Pro League: Sub: Twitter:   / playapexesports   #algs #apexlegends #apex
