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Operating the Aero Conestoga Trailer 5 лет назад

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Operating the Aero Conestoga Trailer

Our Resident Conestoga Trailer Operator, Richard Pica explains how to operate the Aero Conestoga Trailer with a few tips and tricks. Unlocking Rear Step One: Release the Rad Curtain Clamp Assembly by unlocking the Cam Handle Lock on both sides. Step Two: Release the Rear Curtain. Locate the Crank Assembly in the Storage Tube. Release the lock pin and remove the crank handle. Step Three: Insert the end of the crank handle into the bottom tube and turn the crank to roll up the curtain. Step Four: Insert the lock handle into the lock shaft and rotate forward to free the lock from the cleat. Rest the lock on the lock stand. Do this on both sides. Step Five: Roll tarp forward. Step Six: Lock the tarp into position by turning the car lock clockwise. Unlocking Rear Step One: Push the handle lock and rotate the latch handle out to unlock the front of the tarp from the bulkhead. Do this on both sides. Step Two: Roll tarp to open. Locking Front Step one: Close front of tarp and line up latch flanges Step Two: Rotate the latch handle forward to lock the tarp to the bulkhead. Do this on both sides. Locking Rear Step One: Unlock the car lock and roll the tarp to the rear. Step Two: Put the lock into the cleat, place the lock handle into the lock shaft and turn back to lock the tarp. Do this on both sides. Step Three: Turn curtain handle to let curtain down. Step Four: Replace the handle into the storage tube and secure in place with the lock pin. Step Five: Thread and secure the velcro strap. Step Six: Rotate the curtain clamp into place and lock in place with the cam lock.
