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Dragon's Dogma 2 MTX woes and Overwatch 2 cancels remaining PVE | This Week in Videogames 1 месяц назад

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Dragon's Dogma 2 MTX woes and Overwatch 2 cancels remaining PVE | This Week in Videogames

Thanks to Nvidia for sponsoring the video. To learn more about their cutting edge range of RTX 40-series GPUs visit: -- The Dragon's Dogma 2 discourse is full of misinformation but one thing is abundently clear: Capcom shouldn't be charging for any of this stuff in the first place. Check out our interview Judas creator Ken Levine:    • EXCLUSIVE: We played 5 hours of Judas...   Raycevick's video on Alpha Protocol:    • Making a Game Last Forever   #ThisWeekInVideogames #DragonsDogma2 #Overwatch2 -- News collation and run-sheet by Edmond T. Written and voiced by Ralph P. Edited by Stuart K -- f you want to check out Knights in Tight Spaces (or any other game I profile in the 'Put This On Your Radar segment) you can find a link to it on my Steam Curator page: -- If you want to check out the Friends Per Second Podcast, you can find all the links to it here: -- Thanks for taking the time to watch the video. If you'd like to support the channel even more, the best way is through my Patreon:   / skillupyt   -- Grab 12% off any SteelSeries peripheral by using offer code SKILLUP at checkout: -- Twitter: (@skillupyt) Instagram:
