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Funniest NBA Moments and Bloopers of 2023/2024

The funniest NBA moments, bloopers, highlights and plays of the 2023/2024 NBA Regular Season! Subscribe if you like my videos! Twitter:   / nbamaxyt   #NBA #NBA75 #NBAHighlights #NBAMoments #NBAPlayoffs #NBAFinals My name is Max and I create NBA Highlight Mixes! I edit my videos a lot and professionally, usually 20+ hours for one video to make it special and unique. So I appreciate everyone who watches, likes and subscribes to my channel :D Legal stuff: I am partnered with BBTV and the NBA Playmakers Network. I have the commercial rights (contract through NBA Playmakers) to upload the content on my channel. All rights belong to the NBA Playmakers Network. I only used the provided footage.
