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Скачать с ютуб Redstone in MCPE is VERY Confusing.. в хорошем качестве

Redstone in MCPE is VERY Confusing.. 6 лет назад

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Redstone in MCPE is VERY Confusing..

After 7 years of PC Redstone, I thought I would give it a go in the Windows 10 version.. It left me completely muddled. Today we try out MCPE/Win10/console redstone. It was not an easy thing to get the hang of, but eventually we get the hang of it and build some interesting redstone builds! The Mumbo Merch Store! It's beautiful! Become a Patron for a spot on the Patreon Server!   / thatmumbojumbo   My INSANE PC was kindly provided by Chillblast, a company specialising in Performance systems. We have a full range available with 3 systems of varying price and power! Check them out here: My server is kindly provide by CubedHost free of charge! Click this link to get a 25% discount off one of their servers! 2ND CHANNEL:    / thatmumbojumbo2   TWITTER:   / thatmumbojumbo   INSTAGRAM:   / officialmumbo   OFFICIAL MUMBO JUMBO PCS: ------------------------------------------------- My texture pack is Faithful and Codecrafted combined. Faithful: CodeCrafted:    • CodeCrafted Texture Pack 1.12 & 1.11 ...   Intro: ProleteR - Can't Stop Me outro: ProleteR - April Showers    / proleterbeats     / Timelapse: LAKEY INSPIRED   / lakeyinspired   Upload Schedule: Tuesday - Redstone Wednesday - Hermitcraft Thursday - Redstone Friday - Hermitcraft Saturday - Redstone Sunday - Hermitcraft
