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$175 Trillion Social Security Shortfall!

In this video, Peter delves into the shocking truth about the future of Social Security and Medicare. Janet Yellen announces a staggering $175 trillion underfunding, spelling potential disaster for millions of American households. With insights from the latest 254-page financial report of the U.S. government, Peter delves into the grim reality of these programs' sustainability, exploring how political mismanagement has led us to this crisis. Peter St Onge from @Profstonge has permitted us to upload this video for our audience. Peter's Twitter: Peter's Substack: Peter's Website: Twitter -   / wallstreetsilv   Instagram -   / wallstreetsilver   Telegram - Facebook -   / wall-street-silver-103206701843254   Hey guys! Let’s try and break 1,000 likes on this video! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to the channel if you enjoy the video, and don’t forget to hit the bell so you don’t miss any future uploads! DISCLAIMERS/TERMS/RULES: ► I am not a professional financial adviser, nor do I offer financial advice. This video is for entertainment only. Please consult your investment and tax experts for financial advice. #DoomSpending #EconomicStress #FinancialCrisis
