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Year 7 Crazy School Pranks!

🔥🎒 Get ready for a hilarious journey back to school with our latest video! 🤣💥 Join the adventure as we dive into the most epic school pranks that will leave you in stitches. Whether you're a student, a teacher, or just someone who loves a good laugh, this video is for you! 🏫✨ 👀 Watch as our iconic Year 7 chav, known for his cheeky charm and witty comebacks, gives his unfiltered reactions to some of the most legendary pranks pulled off in school corridors. From classic jokes to elaborate schemes, get ready for non-stop entertainment. 🎉🙌 👇 Don't forget to hit LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and turn on NOTIFICATIONS for JJEverettRose to never miss out on the fun! Your support helps us create more awesome content just for you. 🌟👊 🚀 IF YOU DON'T SUBSCRIBE, HENRY WILL FIND YOU! Join the JJEverettRose family today and be part of our ever-growing community! Follow me on my other channels: TikTok: JJEverettRose Instagram: JJEverettRose Facebook: JJEverettRose
