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Cube Defense Egg Hunt 2024! 1 месяц назад

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Cube Defense Egg Hunt 2024!

Subscribe for me to have 42069 FPS? Road to 1000 Subs! For locations of paths and important eggs, watch this video:    • Cube Defense Egg Hunt 2024 All Import...   0:08 - Frostbite Egg - Found in Frozen Abyss. 0:26 - Ancient Sapphire Egg - Found in Frozen Abyss. 0:38 - Sun Egg - Found in a Sun Construct specifically during the afternoon. 0:52 - Diamond Egg - Found at the end of the Desert Labyrinth. 4:29 - Cursed Egg - Die from the purple rooms leading up to the diamond egg. 4:42 - Lunar Egg - Found during Night. Everywhere? 4:54 - Ancient Emerald Egg - Found in the Desert. 5:06 - Silver & Gold Eggs - Found in the Gold Mine, to the right of the entrance. 6:48 - Volcanic Egg - Found at the end of the volcanic plains obby. 7:39 - Mana Egg - Beat hard mode. 7:47 - Nuclear Egg - Found on the map Nuclear Site Alpha. 8:11 - Egg of Sight - Beat the Dark Cave Obby. 14:37 - Anti Gravity Egg - Found on the map Galactic. 15:06 - Thunder Egg - Found on the map Zip Zap. 15:16 - Ancient Ruby Egg - Found in the volcanic plains. 15:32 - Fish Egg - Found in the Aquatic area. 15:41 - Fungal Egg - Beat the giant mushroom obby. 16:42 - Path 1 & Malicious Egg 27:27 - Path 2 & Kraken Egg 40:30 - Path 3 & Abyss Egg 50:38 - Path 4 & Fairy Egg 1:01:02 - Path 5 & King Egg 1:14:53 - Path 6 & Egg of Life 1:28:53 - Conclusion Well, looks like I forgot about the Basic Egg XDDD. The egg is behind the skin crates at spawn. There is almost no way that a person could miss it as long as they realize what they're looking for: A plain green egg behind the stack of crates. :D
