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Скачать с ютуб Still The Strongest Attacker? Film Red Shanks Gameplay on One Piece Bounty Rush в хорошем качестве

Still The Strongest Attacker? Film Red Shanks Gameplay on One Piece Bounty Rush 1 месяц назад

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Still The Strongest Attacker? Film Red Shanks Gameplay on One Piece Bounty Rush

Film Red shanks is no doubt one of the strongest units in the game. But is he the strongest attacker? With the addition of the new elements characters and the new units made to deal with them, could this old unit still be that strong? Or does he need a few buffs to keep up with the new gen? Please enjoy and don't forget to like and subscribe ❤️🙏 Thank you for watching... #opbr #onepiece #bounty #luffy #bandai #luffy #zoro #mugiwara #rogerpirates #shanksgameplay #redhairpirates #akaminoshanks #goldroger #anime #onepiecebountyrush #akagami #filmred #shanksgameplayopbr
