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Скачать с ютуб Should you buy the Wolf M-Series wall oven? в хорошем качестве

Should you buy the Wolf M-Series wall oven? 2 года назад

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Should you buy the Wolf M-Series wall oven?

In this video you'll learn about all the different functions of the Wolf M-Series wall oven. This will include the oven modes, the Wolf Gourmet cooking assistant, plus it's exclusive Verticross convection system for more even heat distribution throughout the oven. We'll also compare it to competitive models from Miele. The M-Series wall oven is all electric and has a broiler element, bake element, and several precise cooking modes such as: - Convection - Bake - Convection Roast - Roast - Broil - Proof - Dehydrate - Stone - Warm. -------- Interested in learning more? Get our free Wall Oven Buying Guide with honest reviews of all the most popular brands and updates on new tech and trends Learning Center: Visit our Learning Center, home to all our most popular videos, articles, and buying guides about all things in the appliance world. Yale Appliance: Browse hundreds of in-stock products from the most popular appliance brands. If you liked this video, just forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE. Thanks for watching!
