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Скачать с ютуб A Trilogy | Patawad paalam, Paalam & Patawad by Moira Dela Torre feat. I belong to the zoo & Ben&ben в хорошем качестве

A Trilogy | Patawad paalam, Paalam & Patawad by Moira Dela Torre feat. I belong to the zoo & Ben&ben 4 года назад

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A Trilogy | Patawad paalam, Paalam & Patawad by Moira Dela Torre feat. I belong to the zoo & Ben&ben

Patawad, paalam: written by Moira Dela Torre, Jason Hernandez & Argee Guerrero Paalam: written by Moira Dela Torre, Jason Hernandez & Paolo Guico Patawad: written by Moira Dela Torre & Jason Hernandez Director: Niq Ablao Director of Photography: Performance’s Lighting Director: Shaira Luna Narrative: Niq Ablao 2nd unit Director of Photography: Dan Orozco Producers: Star Music - Mela Ballano and London Angeles | Moira Dela Torre Camera Operators: Niq Ablao Shaira Luna Dan Orozco Bryan Termulo Production Manager: Shiela Mae Rey Wardrobes: Shaira Luna and Patricia Santos Editor/Colorist: Niq Ablao Location Manager: Dan Orozco Production Assists: Meryll Chan Roman Coloma Joseph Tolentino Nicole Mahumoc Patawad, Paalam: Hair: Florenz Make up: Theresa Padin Styled by: Eds Cabral Paalam & Patawad MVs: Make up: Niki Medina Hair: MJ Rone Dress by: Patricia Santos Location: Thanks to Alphonse of Lampara, Poblacion Boyet Cruzado Benson’s Textile Chairman Consencio Lagamayo (Brgy. 269) Ms. Ella of Brgy. 269 Special thanks to: GAOC Aivee Cristina Puyat New Lounge Mimsqui Patricia Santos Cornerstone
