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Dubai left UNDERWATER as torrential rain floods airport, roads and shopping malls 13 дней назад

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Dubai left UNDERWATER as torrential rain floods airport, roads and shopping malls

Dubai has been forced to deny the horrific floods paralysing the city have been self-inflicted through their infamous cloud seeding operations. The glitzy city has come to a standstill as a years worth of rainfall fell in 24-hours leaving roads swamped underwater, schools and shops closed and airports plunged into carnage with one person dead. The United Arab Emirates has relied on the cloud seeding phenomenon for decades. It sees aircraft operators on the ground manipulating the weather to help with the dry, arid climate and make it a more liveable place. Cloud seeding generally involves the government flying small planes through clouds which burn salt flares that can increase precipitation. Read more: The Sun delivers breaking news, latest gossip and incredible exclusives around the world with hubs in London, New York, Scotland and Ireland. Covering topics from news, money and sport along with our famous Fabulous Magazine, The Sun is the biggest news brand in the UK and one of the fastest growing news sites in the US. Stay tuned for video clips across the biggest news stories and segments from The Sun’s expert journalists. Become a Sun Subscriber and hit the bell to be the first to know. Read The Sun: Like The Sun on Facebook:   / thesun   Follow The Sun on X:   / thesun   Follow The Sun on TikTok:   / thesun   Subscribe to The Sun on Snapchat:   / 1633225139   #thesun #dubai #dubaiflood
