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6 Ways Halston Revolutionized Fashion 2 года назад

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6 Ways Halston Revolutionized Fashion

Halston and Fashion: One of the most influencial american fashion designers of the 70s, his designs transcended decades. His most famous designs, like the ultrasuede shirtdress, the sculptural dresses and kaftans defined the minimalist fashion of that period. He created classic and timeless pieces that we can actually wear today. In this video, we'll dive into the 6 ways Halston Revolutionized Fashion. From haute couture to JCPenney, this man has done it all. Let me know in the comments below what's your favorite design from Halston, and which one you think should stay in the 70s! Insta @larissacasselli Watch Halston's Netflix Trailer:    • Видео   Video sources: Halston Profile, by Madoff Productions:    • Halston Profile   Halston Tribute:    • Halston Tribute: Lincoln Center 1992 ...   Interviews, by Entertainment Tonight:    • Halston Talks Fashion in RARE Intervi...   Ultrasuede In Search of Halston Documentary:    • Ultrasuede In Search Of Halston 2010   Fashioning the ’70s, by The Museum at FIT:    • Yves Saint Laurent + Halston: Fashion...  
