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POKIMANE REVEALS ALL - OfflineTV Podcast Episode #35 10 месяцев назад

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POKIMANE REVEALS ALL - OfflineTV Podcast Episode #35

WOAH! Join us for another episode of the OfflineTV Podcast featuring DisguisedToast, Michael Reeves, LilyPichu, and recent graduate Pokimane where the group talks about past OTV memories, relationships, and spill a lot of (censored) tea 🍵 Filmed May 10th, 2023 Special thanks to our podcast partner Secretlab ✨ Powered by Blackmagic Design ⚡ ATEM Mini Extreme ISO - Blackmagic Studio Camera - TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 Intro 0:45 Wisdom teeth adventures 1:55 Getting tested for allergies 3:17 Recurring horror dreams 6:10 Gold Gala stories 8:11 The real reason Poki is leaving OTV 8:38 Gold Gala cont'd 13:35 Michael's newest invention 15:23 Ridiculously expensive bikes 17:17 Wholesome bike shop employee 17:37 Writing in a diary 19:35 Poki's Maplestory boyfriend 20:06 Lily's in game husband 20:25 Lily can't stop cringing at herself 21:47 What is the most attractive fantasy race? 22:32 What do you think of soaking? 26:57 What is the most attractive quality for others at this table and why? 27:24 Looking back on the Thanksgiving video 28:45 Guessing how many people Poki has not liked working with at OTV 31:36 Looking back on the first OTV house era 32:18 OTV's pushy former manager 37:04 When did Michael start watching OTV? 37:46 Hoarding Youtube merch 39:48 What are your thoughts on Israel? 39:59 Guy that Poki rejected gets revenge 41:46 Learning from the Ninja situation 43:55 What is Poki doing with her time? 45:48 Status update on DSG 46:12 Why orgs are ditching eSports 48:16 Michael's very important sea base project 49:02 Lily's art podcast 49:36 Lily's real goal in life 51:37 Ketamine discussion 53:29 Toast breaking his weed habit 54:18 Falling asleep to a livestream/TV 55:50 Poki's gift for falling asleep 57:24 Lily is easily gaslightable 58:12 Favorite gaslighting strategies 1:01:05 The closest Lily gets to gaslighting 1:01:55 Supporting people who get canceled 1:02:31 Learning lessons from OTV 1:05:42 Brain damage from boxing 1:11:07 Dealing with tinnitus 1:13:05 Michael's acne medication side effects 1:14:11 Tinnitus cont'd 1:15:54 Sensory deprivation tanks 1:16:38 Can you drown while asleep? 1:17:46 Lying down in the shower 1:18:31 Do you poop without clothes on? 1:20:07 Swamp ass 1:20:42 Toast's poop struggles 1:21:21 Pooping without clothes cont'd 1:23:16 Would you let someone watch you poop? 1:24:06 Michael's college classmate's bathroom habit 1:24:47 Bidets 1:26:05 Poki flying to Korea for a Gucci fashion show 1:26:31 How unapproachable insanely famous people are at events 1:27:32 More travel talk 1:29:12 War footage on Tiktok 1:30:09 Going to the Philippines for Conquest 1:33:39 Outro 👕 Merch & Apparel: • OfflineTV - 📸 Follow OfflineTV: • Twitter -   / offlinetv   • Instagram -   / offlinetv   • TikTok -   / offlinetv   • Reddit -   / offlinetv   • Patreon -   / offlinetv   📝 OfflineTV Roster: • Scarra -   / scarra   • LilyPichu -   / lilypichu   • Disguised Toast -   / disguisedtoast   • Michael Reeves -   / michaelreeves   • QuarterJade -   / quarterjade   • Masayoshi -   / itzmasayoshi   • Sydeon -   / sydeon   • Yvonnie -   / yvonnie   🎧 Audio versions: • Spotify - • Apple Podcasts - 🎞️ Edited by: • Stevo -   / stevotevo   📋 YT manager: • Amanda -   / nepheloyd   Discord Server:   / discord   #Pokimane #MichaelReeves #OfflineTV
