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Скачать с ютуб doublecross_anomaly.mp4 в хорошем качестве

doublecross_anomaly.mp4 11 месяцев назад

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i was playing some doublecros when it happened again. the engineer that i had friended noticed it too. i thought i was the only one seeing it. not sure why the map autoloaded like that or why there was a load trigger in a live game. the audio skips at the end because my computer crashed and blue screened at the end of the recording. sorry. i am scared to join another match and i havent played since. please post if you have experienced this at all recently. i need a fix. i have checked the forms to see if anything has experienced this and havent found anything. i still think its a bug with the recent major update. i'll log in in a few days again once i get over my fear.
