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Скачать с ютуб BMW M3 by Redux: the £330,000 restomod E30 CSL that never was? | Top Gear в хорошем качестве

BMW M3 by Redux: the £330,000 restomod E30 CSL that never was? | Top Gear 2 года назад

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BMW M3 by Redux: the £330,000 restomod E30 CSL that never was? | Top Gear

What we have here is an original BMW E30 M3, but one that’s been 'Enhanced and Evolved' by Redux. Yes, it’s a restomod, which means you can’t refer to it as a Redux M3, else BMW’s lawyers could descend on you. It is and remains a BMW E30 M3. But one that’s been fettled in the pursuit of perfection. Which has made it rather expensive. £330,000 kind of expensive. On top of the donor E30 M3 you’ll have handed over. Basically, this or a Ferrari SF90, then. Quite a lot to get your wallet around. Luckily, Top Gear Magazine’s Ollie Marriage is here to help. Subscribe to Top Gear for more videos: WATCH MORE TOP GEAR: Chris Harris on... Restomods: FIRST DRIVE: Singer’s DLS Project: Top Gear Magazine Speed Week 2021: MORE ABOUT TOP GEAR: Want to watch a bit of Top Gear on the internet? Welcome to the most comprehensive collection of official clips you'll find on YouTube. Whether you're searching for a caravan challenge, Ken Block in the Hoonicorn, cars versus fighter jets, Stig power laps or the latest Chris Harris Drives, you can find all the iconic films here. Want to share your views with the team? Join our BBC Studios Voice: This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios. Service & Feedback
