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Bushman Prank: Halloween Screams & Special 2022!!

What up Bush Fam!! Filmed this last weekend in San Antonio, Texas, USA!! If you look close you can see "Selena's" Bridge" in the background! I tried to become one with the bush and blend in with some bushes lol. Also added some finger extension thingys. Very hard to put on and take off and the ends fell off but it was worth it! I painted them green. Also painted the tips red but didn't think about them coming out looking like nail polish lol. Still made it work. What do you think, should I keep using the finger extension thingys for another video? Let me know in the comment section below! Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their week!! Be Good! Editor - Joe Theme Song: Montel Moore Hope, Purpose, Opportunities, Persistence & Determination -Joe Subscribe To This Channel ►    / texasbushman  
