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Gold To HIT $3,000?! Why is Silver Lagging Behind? Here's Why!

We welcome back Mike McGlone, Senior Commodity Strategist at Bloomberg Intelligence, for a deep dive into the fascinating dynamics of the precious metals market. Amidst global economic uncertainties, gold prices are soaring to new heights, setting it apart from other commodities. Mike shares his expert analysis on gold's bullish trend, the potential impact of central bank activities, and the intriguing role of cryptocurrencies in the current financial landscape. Additionally, we explore the shifting demand for industrial metals, the influence of geopolitical tensions on oil prices, and the anticipation surrounding the Federal Reserve's monetary policy decisions. Mike's Linkedin: Mike's Twitter: Twitter -   / wallstreetsilv   Instagram -   / wallstreetsilver   Telegram - Facebook -   / wall-street-silver-103206701843254   DISCLAIMERS/TERMS/RULES: ► I am not a professional financial adviser, nor do I offer financial advice. This video is for entertainment only. Please consult your investment and tax experts for financial advice. #silver​​ #wallstreetsilver #gold #preciousmetals #silvergoldbull​ #Wall #Street #Reddit #Platinum #CurrencyReset #Reset #Silversqueeze #Fed #November2021 #2021 #worse #restart #financecommunity #stockexchange #inflation #preciousmetals #finance #banks #financecrash #gold #economy #money #economiccrisis #broke #credit #inflation #purchasingpower #systemchange #crisis #crash #marketing #insolvency #profit #bitcoin #Cryptocurrency #politics #media #stockmarket #stocks
