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Скачать с ютуб "IF WE CAN DO IT, IT WOULD BE AN AMAZING STORY" | Rob Edwards On Luton's Wembley Date With Destiny в хорошем качестве

"IF WE CAN DO IT, IT WOULD BE AN AMAZING STORY" | Rob Edwards On Luton's Wembley Date With Destiny 11 месяцев назад

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"IF WE CAN DO IT, IT WOULD BE AN AMAZING STORY" | Rob Edwards On Luton's Wembley Date With Destiny

Rob Edwards being at the helm of a Luton Town side on the cusp of the Premier League is just one fascinating aspect of one of the most-anticipated Play-Off Finals in years. With players on the books that have been with the club since non-league and an historic ground that simply oozes football culture. Luton Town are a proper club, 90 minutes away from a first taste of top-flight football in over 30 years. On the week of the Final, David Prutton sat down with the boss for a candid interview - a must-watch for all Hatters! #LO72 #LTFC
