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Egg Hunts and the Disintegration of the Roblox Community

It's no secret that Roblox has been becoming more and more of a dry, soulless corporation lately. With little interaction from Roblox's higher-ups, and shouldering the responsibility of self-moderating and creating pretty much all of the content on Roblox themselves, many Robloxians have felt directionless and bored of Roblox for a long time, and many have even left Roblox because of this. How did we get here, and how can we fix this? Well, being that it's close to Easter, let's take a look at the state of things on Roblox over the years through the lens of one of the most beloved and sorely missed events that Roblox ever hosted: the Egg Hunt. PATREON:   / nitrolord   DISCORD:   / discord   TWITTER: ROBLOX: Kreekcraft's Video:    • Dear Roblox   Other Sources: If you like Roblox, Classic Roblox, Roblox Scams, Dynablox, 2006 Roblox, Builderman, Telamon, Shedletsky, Kreekcraft, Toastedcherries, Nitrolord, Flamingo, Egg Hunts, Faberge Eggs, FabergEggs, Sugar Eggs, Egg Hunt 2018: the Great Yolktales, Egg Hunt 2017: the Lost Eggs, Eggstravaganza, Brighteyes' Lavender Egg of Anticipation, Easter Dominus, Conor3D, Egg Hunt 2022: Lost in Time, Metaverse Champions, Fey Yoshida, AJ Striker, Sparks Kilowatt, Wren Brightblade, Aymegg, Fifteam Egg, EBR Egg, Egg Hunt 2013, Bunny Ears of Caprice, and more, you'll probably like this video. Not sure why you read all of this sentence, as it's only here for SEO purposes, but I respect you for doing it. :) Apollyonic says "hai :3"
