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Final Fantasy 16 - PlayStation 5 - The Digital Foundry Tech Review 10 месяцев назад

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Final Fantasy 16 - PlayStation 5 - The Digital Foundry Tech Review

Final Fantasy 16 is a beautifully crafted, visually stunning series entry that arrives with gamers in a polished, bug-free state. John takes us through what makes this game so compelling in terms of its visuals, audio, environments and characters, plus there's everything you need to know about quality and performance modes in terms of image quality, frame-rates and everything else. Also: Square-Enix has indeed delivered a day one patch, and we've got analysis on whether it improves performance compared to the recently released demo. Subscribe for more Digital Foundry: Join the DF Patreon to support the team more directly and to get access to everything we do via pristine quality downloads: Want some DF-branded tee-shirts, mugs, hoodies or pullovers? Check out our store: For commercial enquiries, please contact [email protected] 00:00 - Introduction 02:00 - The New Generation 03:58 - Characters and Cutscenes 13:14 - The Environments of Final Fantasy 16 16:42 - Grape Analysis 17:51 - Shadows, Particles and Water Effects 21:10 - Performance Testing - Frame-rate and Image Quality 28:19 - Loading Times 29:11 - The Sound and Ending
