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Goodbye season 8.exe at 3AM 2 года назад

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Goodbye season 8.exe at 3AM

cpt slow is here first of all thank you all guys for waiting i read all comment that saying waiting and expacting next video some of them was toxic but i deserve it. hope you guys like this video too if you like it, plz leave comment im reading all of them and we almost hit 400k sub i cant believe it. you guys are awesome 400k special? sure ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) i have plan about it but as you can see its almost 400k already special video will take time ;-; great 3d animation was done by Hex some of you are already know. he is the guy who made mirage talking to mirror scene his social link here show him some love    • Apex Legends Fan Short - Seeing Double   👉DISCORD LINK   / discord   mail(business only) [email protected] twitter   / captainpo2   まもるクンは呪われてしまった!YO-KAI Disco    • まもるクンは呪われてしまった!YO-KAI Disco   Barnyard Game Soundtrack - Whack-a-Rac Mini Game / Party    • Barnyard Game Soundtrack - Whack-a-Ra...   Remix 10 - Rhythm Heaven Fever    • Видео  
