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Bruised, Beaten Terror Suspects Arrive In Court After Moscow Shooting | Insider News 1 месяц назад

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Bruised, Beaten Terror Suspects Arrive In Court After Moscow Shooting | Insider News

Four suspects in Moscow's Crocus City Hall terror attack showed up to their court hearing bruised and beaten. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the incident but Putin implied Ukraine's involvement. ------------------------------------------------------ #Russia #Putin #insidernews Insider's mission is to inform and inspire. Visit our homepage for the top stories of the day: Insider News on Facebook:   / insidernews   Insider News on Instagram:   / insider   Insider News on Twitter:   / insidernews   Insider News on Snapchat:   / 5185974304   Insider News on TikTok:   / insidernews   Bruised, Beaten Terror Suspects Arrive In Court After Moscow Shooting | Insider News
