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TenZ vs Kyedae VALORANT 1v1 Rematch!

Last year, TenZ and Kyedae had a 1v1 match in Valorant. As you could imagine, it went totally as expected with Tyson just bullying Kyedae for 8 minutes. Now, after almost a year of training, Kyedae has decided to challenge TenZ to a rematch to see who is "totally" the better Valorant player. With 100 Thieves officiating this match, they have created a set of unique rules to keep the game "totally" fair and fun for both players. Who will win? Who is the best? Find out in this (technically) 2nd episode of our 1v1 series! #TenZ #Kyedae #Valorant #100Thieves #100ThievesEsports #1v1 #100T #100TEsports
