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Lionel Messi - WORLD CHAMPION - Movie

All credit goes to FIFA. Lionel Messi completed his career - he finally won the World Cup. There are no more arguments: he is the greatest footballer of all-time. He dominated the World Cup 2022, scored 7 goals, had the most assists, most man of the match awards and received the player of the tournament award, even though he is already 35 years old. This video shows the road to the trophy in an emotional and cinematic way. Instagram:   / magicalmessi_yt   Twitter:   / magical__messi   Patreon:   / magicalmessi   Lionel Messi, World Cup, drama, Argentina, PSG, Paris Saint-Germain, FC Barcelona, football, highlights, goals, skills, GOAT, 2022, 2023 Copa Mundial MagicalMessi - as magical as Messi
