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Скачать с ютуб [ROBLOX] Making RAINBOW FRIENDS CHAPTER 2 Sculptures Timelapse в хорошем качестве

[ROBLOX] Making RAINBOW FRIENDS CHAPTER 2 Sculptures Timelapse 10 месяцев назад

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[ROBLOX] Making RAINBOW FRIENDS CHAPTER 2 Sculptures Timelapse

This is the process video of sculpt that I have done sculpting and painting. Timelapse sculpting and painting of game - Roblox 3D modeling and 3d printing for figure making. You can also see painting progress. Thank you for watching :) 0:00 Intro 0:19 3D Modeling 2:58 Making a support 3:12 3D Printing 3:38 Cleaning 3:48 Removing supports 4:07 Cure the prints 4:25 Work-surface 4:54 Painting Blue sleeping in his throne 6:13 Painting Yellow 7:23 Painting Cyan 7:53 Painting Lookies 8:16 Finished 3D modeling - Zbrush 3D printer - Phrozen sonic mighty 4k and Phrozen sonic mini Music Mod Creators for VS Roblox Rainbow Friends from Roblox below FNF Mod | VS Blue V1 FULL WEEK: richilix - Director, Animator, Artist, Coder and Charter: • Friday Night Funk... RaveYT - Composer: / @ravestudio69 MrFlamin - Composer: / @flamin_ Fragment Games. - developer of "Rainbow Friends" roblox game:   / fragmentgameshq   Mewza - Director of "VS Rainbow Friends" mod: / @mewza Nullvix - composer of "Friends to your end" song and blue voices: TeaWix - OG Coder for other Rainbow Friends mod: Get the game and support the creators of the game: Friday Night Funkin': The Full Ass Game: Sonic Mini: Sonic Mini 4K: Aqua-Gray 4K Resin: Pluid resin wash:
