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BANBANELA SCHOOL BACKSTORY! Garten of Banban 2 Animation

GARTEN OF BAN BAN 🦋🐞-    • SLOW SELINE ORIGIN STORY?! Garten of ...   😺A new adventure takes place in 😻Garten Of Ban Ban, 👀OPILA is angry with 🥵PLAYER and 🌺Banbanela will try to give him a hand, 🙏but she will take him to class,👩‍🏫 Banbanela is an excellent teacher, 🥹✨they will do math exercises, 📚💯🧮 and at recess time 🍌🥪PLAYER will try to help 🤝who suffers from bullying,🤾‍♂️ he will win the hearts of all the kids❤️and then he will have loyal friends, 🫶👏will they be able to help PLAYER to escape from class? 😲😅 Don't forget to SMASH that LIKE buttom! 👇😜 00:00 - Teacher Banbanela in Garten of Ban Ban 02:54 - SLOW SELINE ORIGIN STORY?! 06:26 - Slow Seline and Sheriff BACKSTORY?! 10:00 - OPILA BIRD's Sad Origin Story! 13:39 - The SAD STORY of OPILA BIRD?! ✅ Garten of Ban Ban Animations: @HornstrompGames Get ready for an exciting adventure! In Chapter 1 of our story, hikers, along with other class friends, go on a trip to Odd World, a breathtaking amusement park. But something strange happens when they are kidnapped by the RED and taken to a mysterious facility, where they will encounter the famous colorful monsters. In this exciting game, every night you will have to collect items and avoid the monsters that appear; Red, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Pink and Yellow. But don't worry, at the end of each night, the remaining players are returned to a safe room, where they can rest and prepare for the next night, and this is just the beginning of an exciting adventure! During the night, they will have to collect blocks, food packs, fuses and batteries to survive. But they will also have to be careful not to wake Blue by stepping on the balloons - what an exciting challenge! Rainbow Friends, this is a ROBLOX game full of challenges, obstacles, full of dangers and exciting adventures. Are you ready to join this epic adventure? Come on, together we can do it! #Banbanela #GartenOfBanBan #SlowSeline
