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The Banking Crisis Of 2024 Has Already Started

The Banking Crisis Of 2024 Has Already Started Jim Rickards-Bank failures are likely to continue increasing due to rising interest rates, as it causes their commercial paper and treasuries to become devalued. To prevent a severe economic downturn, it is necessary to implement a freeze on interest rates. Simultaneously, the White House should support the industry in boosting gas and oil production to lower fuel prices. The anti-oil stance only contributes to higher energy costs, leading to inflation throughout the economy. #bankfailures #inflation #risinginterestrates #economicdownturn #interest rate freeze #oilproduction #energyprices #governmentstimulus For More Informative "We've Never Seen Anything Like This In Human History" - Jim Rickards    • "We've Never Seen Anything Like This ...   "The Fed Is Going To DESTROY The Economy" - Jim Rickards    • "The Fed Is Going To DESTROY The Econ...   5 Minutes Ago: Jim Rickards Shared Terrifying Prediction    • 5 Minutes Ago: Jim Rickards Shared Te...   Jim Rickards - Is the Petrodollar Doomed?    • Jim Rickards - Is the Petrodollar Doo...   "This Is EXACTLY What The Fed Is Gonna Do..." - Jim Rickards 2024 Recession    • "This Is EXACTLY What The Fed Is Gonn...   "WATCH OUT! It's Started.." - Jim Rickards    • "WATCH OUT! It's Started.." - Jim Ric...   "LAST WARNING! The Economic Consequences of This Are Unimaginable" - Jim Rickards    • "LAST WARNING! The Economic Consequen...   "Thank Me After Becoming A Millionaire — This Asset Will 30X In A Heartbeat" | Jim Rickards    • "Thank Me After Becoming A Millionair...   Subscribe Here /@EpicDividend ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Epic Dividend, the one-stop resource for everything about managing your money and reaching financial freedom. Our channel is committed to assisting you in developing the art of frugal living and embracing the power of investing and saving to prepare you for financial independence. Disclaimer: We are not certified financial advisors. These videos are for educational purposes only and are not intended to provide official financial advice. Please always consult with a certified financial advisor before making any investment or financial decision. You are solely responsible for your investments. In these videos, I only share my opinion with no guarantee of profit or loss.
