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Скачать с ютуб Tsuyoshi Abe, PH.D, Yokogawa | Part 2 | CMO Now series в хорошем качестве

Tsuyoshi Abe, PH.D, Yokogawa | Part 2 | CMO Now series 3 года назад

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Tsuyoshi Abe, PH.D, Yokogawa | Part 2 | CMO Now series

Yokogawa Electric Corporation’s Dr Tsuyoshi Abe joins us in this special episode. Leading the global marketing portfolio for multinational electrical engineering and software company, Yokogawa Electric Corporation, Dr Abe shares the importance of human-centered leadership, and how empathy should be at the heart of any organisation. This series is part of a special feature under CNBC Catalyst’s CMO Now community, a home for global brand and marketing leaders to discuss and share insights on the latest challenges and opportunities facing the industry.
