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Скачать с ютуб -11°C, two injured puppies sat trembling on a pile of snow on the side of the road and cried loudly в хорошем качестве

-11°C, two injured puppies sat trembling on a pile of snow on the side of the road and cried loudly 1 месяц назад

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-11°C, two injured puppies sat trembling on a pile of snow on the side of the road and cried loudly

-11°C, two injured puppies sat trembling on a pile of snow on the side of the road and cried loudly On the way to the construction site, we accidentally discovered two puppies, two puppies crawling along the side of the road looking for food. The two puppies are about a month old, their bodies are a bit skinny and their faces look tired. Among the two puppies, one puppy had an injury in its leg that made it unable to move, the other puppy saw this but did not dare to leave to find help. The puppy stayed with his brother and endured the cold weather together. The outdoor temperature is currently -11°C and will decrease further when it gets dark, heavy snow covers everything around, and strong winds blow continuously. The two puppies' black fur was covered with white snow. The two puppies tried to sit close to each other to keep their bodies warm. They looked at the deserted street with their pitiful eyes and shed tears of disappointment Thank you everyone for watching the video #animals #dog #rescueanimals #rescuedog #straydogs #rescue #doghouse #animalshelter #rescuemission
