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Final Circles | NA/EMEA Pro League Split 1 Match Day 8 | Apex Legends

Split 1 Match Day 8 gifted us with some intense final circles in the ALGS Pro League - and in this video you'll get to see all of them from both the NA and EMEA regions! Featuring some of your favorite pro teams such as FURIA, Aurora, 2Rats1Controller, OMIT, PassionUA, The Froge, Redragon, O7, Disguisted, Moist Esports, GKS, XSET, TSM and many more! Timestamps: 0:00 - EMEA Match 1 1:45 - EMEA Match 2 2:56 - EMEA Match 3 4:42 - EMEA Match 4 6:00 - EMEA Match 5 7:15 - EMEA Match 6 8:02 - EMEA Series Results 8:08 - NA Match 1 9:04 - NA Match 2 11:14 - NA Match 3 12:07 - NA Match 4 13:28 - NA Match 5 14:40 - NA Match 6 15:30 - NA Series Results Compete in the Apex Legends Global Series: Subscribe now: Follow the Apex Legends Global Series on socials for more action: Twitter:   / playapexesports   #algs #apexlegends #apex
