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Disturbing Things About Alicia Silverstone's Parenting |⭐ OSSA

Alicia Silverstone has long been known not only as a famous and talented actress but also as a dubious mother. The thing is that Alicia Silverstone has a special way of motherhood and raising children, about which she even wrote the book "The Kind Mama". However, for many, the advice from the book seems not only strange but also unscientific. So, according to Alicia Silverstone's opinion, tampons provoke infertility, and giving up diapers will help your child get used to the potty sooner. But most of all, the audience was shocked by the parental style of Alicia Silverstone, which provides for absolute intimacy with her son. So in one interview, Alicia Silverstone talked about how while watching the movie "Clueless" her son, Bear, decided to kiss his mother in French, and she clenched her mouth and laughed. This funny story scared the audience. People began to talk in full that such an upbringing would lead to injuries and problems in the boy's adulthood. Also, people did not support Alicia Silverstone's method of teaching a baby to eat normal food. After people found out about this, a lot of ridicule fell on the actress, Jimmy Kimmel even made a sketch where he makes fun of Alicia Silverstone. People were so negative about the motherhood of Alicia Silverstone that they even criticized the fact that during her divorce from Christopher Jarecki, the actress completely immersed herself in raising her son and only talked about the fact that she could not move away from him even a single step. However, Alicia Silverstone has only one goal - to be a good mother to her child, and therefore she does not pay attention to the mountain of hate and negativity towards her parenting method. And to learn more about Alicia Silverstone's motherhood, watch our new OSSA'm video right now! 🎁 Join the OSSA'm Squad to get access to perks:    / @ossachannel   💛 OSSA on Instagram:   /   💜 OSSA on TikTok:   / ossa_tv   💙 OSSA on facebook:   / ossa-937878333055503   ⭐OSSA is the best source for entertainment news about the celebrities we love. ⭐Our YouTube channel dishes up celebrity news and gossip on the stars you admire the most. From popular TV hosts to Hollywood golden age actresses, from the royal family members to western movies acting legends. SUBSCRIBE to our channel to watch more amazing videos about celebs!
