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Скачать с ютуб English Vowels (Vowel Combinations) with IPA(International Phonetic Alphabet);英語の母音(母音の組み合わせ);영어의 모음 в хорошем качестве

English Vowels (Vowel Combinations) with IPA(International Phonetic Alphabet);英語の母音(母音の組み合わせ);영어의 모음 4 месяца назад

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English Vowels (Vowel Combinations) with IPA(International Phonetic Alphabet);英語の母音(母音の組み合わせ);영어의 모음

Tips! Use this video as a tool to improve your English by SHADOWING! ☛Video settings → playback speed '0.5' ***Full Text*** 1 /i/ ・city: a large town;都市;도시 ・jelly: a sweet thick substance ;ゼリー;젤리 ・pantry: a small room, used for storing food;食料貯蔵室;식료저장실 2 /i:/ ・beaver: an animal with a wide flat tail and strong teeth;ビーバー;비버 ・speech: a formal talk;スピーチ;스피치 ・piece: one of the parts;一個;하나 3 /ɪ/ ・pitch: to throw somebody/something with force;投げる;던지다 ・sit: to rest your weight on your bottom with your back vertical;座る;앉다 ・whisk: a utensil for whipping eggs or cream;泡立て器;거품내는 기구 4 /ɪər/ ・mere: to emphasize how small;ほんの;단순한 ・queer: strange;奇妙な;기묘한 ・spear: a weapon with a long shaft ad a pointed tip;槍(やり);창 5 /eɪ/ ・away: to or at a distance from a particular place;離れて;떨어져 ・mail: letters and packages conveyed by the postal system;郵便物;우편물 ・trade: the action of buying and selling goods and services;貿易;무역 6 /ɛ/ ・lesson: a period of time in which somebody is taught;学課;학과 ・shelf: a long flat narrow board;棚;선반 ・wed: to get married to ;結婚する;결혼하다 7 /ɛər/ ・hare: an animal like a rabbit;野ウサギ;산토끼 ・repair: to fix something;直す;고치다 ・square: a plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles;正方形;사각형 8 /æ/ ・action: the fact or process of doing;実行;실행 ・flag: a piece of cloth with a special colored design on it;旗;깃발 ・thank: to express gratitude to;感謝する;감사하다 9 /aɪ/ ・five: 5;五;오 ・light: the energy from the sun, a lamp;光;빛 ・why: for what reason or purpose;なぜ;왜 10 /aɪə/ ・giant: a very large strong person;巨漢;거인 ・inquire: to ask;問う;문의하다 ・quiet: making little or no noise;騒がしくない;고요한 11 /aʊ/ ・blouse: a woman’s upper garment;ブラウス;블라우스 ・crowd: a large number of people;群集;군중 ・sound: something that you can hear;音;소리 12 /aʊə/ ・power: the ability to do something;権力;권력 ・scour: to subject to a thorough search;捜し回る;찾아다니다 ・towel: a piece of thick absorbent cloth;タオル;타월 13 /ɑ/ ・box: a container with a flat base and sides;箱;상자 ・mop: a tool for washing floors;モップ;대걸레 ・rock: the hard solid material;岩;바위 14 /ɑ:/ ・balm: oil with a pleasant smell;香油;향유 ・calm: not excited, nervous or upset;穏やかな;차분한 ・gaudy: too brightly colored in a way that lacks taste;華やかな;야한 15 /ɑər/ ・cart: a light vehicle with wheels that you pull or push by hand;(二輪の)小型手押し車;손수레 ・lark: a small brown bird;ヒバリ;종달새 ・star: a large ball of burning gas in space;(夜空の)星;별 16 /ə/ ・agree: to have the same opinion;同意する;동의하다 ・distant: far away in space;(距離が)遠い;멀다 ・lemon: a yellow citrus fruit;レモン(の実);레몬 17 /ə:r/ ・bird: a creature that is covered with feathers and has two wings and two legs;鳥;새 ・fur: the skin of an animal with the fur still on it;毛皮;모피 ・perch: a place where a bird rests;とまり木; 18 /ʌ/ ・brush: an object that you use for making your hair tidy;ブラシ;브러시 ・hug: to put your arms around someone and hold them tightly to show love or friendship;抱きしめる;껴안다 ・uncle: the brother of your mother or father;おじ;삼촌 19 /u/ ・do: to perform an action or activity;する;하다 ・w: the 23rd letter of the English alphabet;英語アルファベットの第 23 字; ・you: used to refer to the person that the speaker is addressing;あなた;당신 20 /u:/ ・food: things that people or animals eat;食物;음식물 ・huge: extremely large in size;巨大な;거대한 ・stew: a dish of meat and vegetables cooked slowly in liquid;シチュー(料理);스튜 21 /u:ə/ ・fuel: material such as coal, gas, or oil;燃料;연료 ・suet: hard fat from around the kidneys of cows, sheep, used in cooking;スエット(牛・羊などの腎臓や腰の辺の硬い脂肪);지방 ・truant: a child who stays away from school without permission;無断欠席者;무단결석자 22 /ʊ/ ・footman: a male servant in a house in the past;従僕;종복 ・hoof: the hard part of the foot of some animals;ひづめ;발굽 ・pudding: a dessert with a creamy consistency;プディング;푸딩 23 /ʊər/ ・boor: a rude unmannerly person;やぼな男;버릇없는 사람 ・moor: a track of open uncultivated upland;湿原;습지 ・poor: having very little money;貧しい;가난하다 24 /oʊ/ ・goat: an animal with horns and a coat of hair, that is kept on farms for its milk or meat;ヤギ;염소 ・know: to understand;知る;알다 ・throne: the position of being a king or queen;王座;왕좌 25 /oʊeɪ/ ・Croatia: a country in SE Europe;クロアチア;크로아티아 ・Croatian: a native or national of Croatia;クロアチア人;크로아티아인 ・oasis: a fertile spot in a desert where water is found;オアシス;오아시스 26 /oʊə/ ・poem: a piece of writing;(一編の)詩;한 편의 시 ・poet: a person who writes poems;詩人;시인 ・poetry : a collection of poems ;(文学の一形式としての)詩;시 27 /ɔ:/ ・daughter: a person’s female child;娘;딸 ・soft: smooth and pleasant to touch;手[肌]ざわりの柔らかな;부드러운 ・talk: to say things;話す;이야기하다 28 /ɔɪ/ ・coin: a small flat piece of metal used as money;硬貨;동전 ・noise: a sound, especially when it is loud;騒音;소음 ・oyster: a large flat shellfish;カキ;굴 29 /ɔɪə/ ・sequoia: a very tall North American tree;セコイア;세쿼이아 30 /ɔər/ ・board: to get on;〈旅客機・船〉に乗り込む;탑승하다 ・report: a spoken or written description;報告書;보고서 ・store: a shop;(小売りの)店;가게 ***** Read by Evan Smith The location of the original audio file: ***** #English_With_IPA#Pronunciation#Shadowing
