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Blood LDH Test | Lactate Dehydrogenase Test | LD Test |

This test measures the level of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), also known as lactic acid dehydrogenase, in your blood or sometimes in other body fluids. LDH is a type of protein, known as an enzyme. LDH plays an important role in making your body's energy. It is found in almost all the body's tissues, including those in the blood, heart, kidneys, brain, and lungs. When these tissues are damaged, they release LDH into the bloodstream or other body fluids. If your LDH blood or fluid levels are high, it may mean certain tissues in your body have been damaged by disease or injury. What is it used for? The most common uses for an LDH blood test include: To check if you have tissue damage. To monitor conditions that cause tissue damage, such as anemia, organ disease and some types of infections. To assess the severity of certain types of cancer. To monitor chemotherapy for certain types of cancer to see if treatment is working. You might have an LDH test of body fluids to: Find the cause of fluid buildup. It could be due to many things, like injury and inflammation. Help determine if you have bacterial or viral meningitis. Results & Interpretation Normal levels of LDH in the blood usually range between 140 units per liter (U/L) to 280 U/L for adults  The ranges tend to be higher for children and teens. Higher than normal LDH levels usually means you have some type of tissue damage or disease. Disorders that cause high LDH levels include: Anemia Kidney disease Liver disease Muscle injury Heart attack Pancreatitis Infections, including meningitis, encephalitis, and infectious mononucleosis In cerebrospinal fluid, normal levels are: Less than 70 U/L for newborns Less than 40 U/L for adults Higher LDH levels in your cerebrospinal fluid ........ may mean you have an infection or inflammation in your central nervous system. It could also mean you have a disease that affects your brain or spinal cord, like bacterial meningitis
