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When & How to Use 는 것 & 기 😉 Korean Grammar 1 месяц назад

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When & How to Use 는 것 & 기 😉 Korean Grammar

Why do we say 자전거 타는 것을 배워, but why can’t we say 자전거 타기를 배워? Why do we say, 또 만나기를 바래, but why can’t we say 또 만나는 것을 바래? Why can we say both 한국어 배우는 것이 어려워. And 한국어 배우기가 어려워? Are the meanings even the same? In this video, I’ll teach you when and how to use 는 것 and 기. 📔 Don't forget to do the quiz at the end to check your understanding. - Timestamp - 0:00 Intro 0:41 What are 는 것 and 기? 1:05 Basic rules of 는 것 and 기 2:37 Important points 7:28 Confusing points 11:06 Quiz To download the free pdf 👉   / neun-geos-or-gi-101158060   To find more 👉   / justlearnkorean   Show your support by subscribing to my channel, liking videos and commenting! I'm always happy to hearing from you. 😉 #Koreanlesson #koreangrammar
