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Banban Garden 7 - What happened to BITTERGIGGLE? Who Killed Banban?

#gartenofbanban #officialtrailer #gameplaywalkthrough Banban Garden 7 - What happened to BITTERGIGGLE? Who Killed Banban? In this video let's do comparison of all Garten of Banban trailers! ❤️ Like and subscribe ❤️ ⚠️DISCLAIMER: FANMADE. Video made for entertainment purposes! What happened to BITTERGIGGLE? Who killed Banban? It's all SYRINGEON's fault. Hello, my friends I revealed the secret behind Banban's murder. If you want to know the truth, watch the video. And at the end, I'll tell you if Banban is dead or alive. I came up with the theory after the release of the third teaser trailer. The last time we saw Banban alive was at the end of the sixth installment of the game. When BITTERGIGGLE and Banban were running away from Sir Dadadoo from the throne room where part of the Queen's scepter was located. After arguing with Banban, BITTERGIGGLE jumped down in the grain elevator shaft. He should have died. But what happened to Banban when he was left to fend for himself with Sir Dadadoo's army? We know that Banban is clever and cunning, and he was able to cope with all sorts of difficulties.... But what really happened to BITTERGIGGLE? And how is SYRINGEON involved in this story? In the third teaser trailer, we were shown how BITTERGIGGLE became a monster. How did that happen to him? We remember that he ducked into a grain elevator shaft. But he didn't die, he was badly injured from the fall. Bittergiggle found Syringeon, and to save him, injected him with an experimental drug that turned Bittergiggle into a monster. His body dismembered down to his waist and turned into a giant mouth with sharp teeth. Why did Syringeon do this to Bittergiggle? We know that part of the queen's scepter is in Syringeon's possession. Syringeon needs a strong guard who can protect the scepter part from Sir Dadadoo's army. I think that's the reason. But sir. Dadadoo captured the mind of the monster Bittergiggle and ordered him to kill Banban. Banban survived the encounter with sir. Dadadadoo and was able to escape. But the Bittergiggle monster caught up with him and killed him. This is confirmed by the deep bite marks but Banban's body. I assume that in Part Seven, Syringeon will revive Banban. Gives him the drug that turned Bittergiggle into a monster. And then Banban's monster will take revenge on Bittergiggle and will be able to resist sir's army. Dadadoo What do you think of this? Thanks for watching Byeeee #gartenofbanban #gameplaywalkthrough #officialtrailer
