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How this dinky car became the most popular EV in China 1 месяц назад

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How this dinky car became the most popular EV in China

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for free here: Read more on this: Liuzhou, a city of around four million people, is better-known in China for its misty mountains and pungent river-snail noodles than for its advanced technology. But its locally made mini-EVs are proving a breakout success, and authorities have responded by installing charging stations, and providing discounted parking spots and preferential policies for buyers. The Wuling Hongguang Mini has even overtaken the likes of cars by Tesla and home-grown giant BYD to be the most popular model in the country. Related story: BYD posts record US$4.16 billion earnings for 2023 on strong EV deliveries Support us: Follow us on: Website: Facebook:   / scmp   Twitter:   / scmpnews   Instagram:   / scmpnews   Linkedin:   / south-china-morning-post   #scmp #China #Electricnewenergyvehicles
