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Funny Wet Fart Prank | White Shorts Shart | The Sharter Toy

In this video Funny Wet Fart Prank | White Shorts Shart | The Sharter Toy I head to Pacific Beach in San Diego wearing white shorts with a brown stain. Watch as people see something so out of the ordinary that they can't help but react in a hilarious manner. Get the Sharter here follow me on twitter @TheSharterToy Instagram https://sonsofarkham23 Facebook Sons of Arkham Pranks SEND ME COOL THINGS HERE Sons of Arkham P.O. Box 372 Jamul, Ca 91935 Channels that have helped me film Gilstraptv That Brown Nerd Gonzalo Ortiz Infrabren #TheSharter #FunnyWetFartprank #shartweek #theshartercup #publicprank #theshartertoy #fartinginpublic
