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Do it yourself! It is easier than ordering! Recipe that Simplifying the life

Do it yourself! It is easier than ordering! Recipe that Simplifying the life#cooking Hello dear friends!!! I made a great recipe today. I hope you have a good time. Enjoy your viewing Attention!! TURN on subtitles for yourself. In this video, the cooking recipe and description will be translated into your native language using Google Translator. If something is wrong, write to me and I will explain everything to you. INGREDIENTS REQUIRED: WE COOK AT 150 ° FOR 45 MINUTES sugar-200 grams egg-2 piece sour creame-200 ml melted butter-50 ml pinch of salt baking powder-1 tablespoon vinegar-1 tablespoon flour-150 grams condensedmilk with cocoa The main thing is to cook with pleasure! Cook with love! Enjoy your meal! Peace and prosperity to you and your loved ones! Friends, if you liked this video, you can help the development of the channel: Rate the video! 👍 - I will be very glad and it will help the development of the channel. WRITE A REVIEW or ask a question about the recipe. I will be very happy to answer you. 📢 You can also share this video with your friends on social media so they know which dish you want to cook next. Subscribe to the channel, click the bell to not miss the new video with quick and delicious recipes. #gulshengotovit #cooking#newvideofood#
