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Скачать с ютуб Iko Ik Dil Dance cover Gippy Grewal | Sudesh Kumari | Tanu Grewal | Happy Raikoti | New Punjabi Song в хорошем качестве

Iko Ik Dil Dance cover Gippy Grewal | Sudesh Kumari | Tanu Grewal | Happy Raikoti | New Punjabi Song 1 год назад

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Iko Ik Dil Dance cover Gippy Grewal | Sudesh Kumari | Tanu Grewal | Happy Raikoti | New Punjabi Song

hey guys, this is Vaishnavi gaur, I'm a professional Kathak dancer and a choreographer. in this video, I'm gonna choreograph Iko ik dil song, do subscribe to Vaishnavi gaur for more videos like this 😊 If you want me to do a Dance cover on a particular song please leave your suggestions in the comment section down below. Stay tuned for more videos and fun. Thank you so much for watching ❤ #Ikoikdil #gippygrewal #dance Choreography - Vaishnavi gaur Edit By - Vaishnavi Gour Performed By - Vaishnavi gaur hope you all like the dance video.. if you like then do like, comment your feedbacks and share with your loved ones,,,. and and dont forget to subscribe our channel and do press the bell icon for instant updates.. share your love with your comments in comment section ..
