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What if Earth turned into a Desert? + more videos | 1 год назад

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What if Earth turned into a Desert? + more videos |

If Earth turned into a Desert: People who love cold places may start staying inside refrigerators. Polar Bears will definitely leave for a different planet. Sellers of summer clothes may suddenly start driving expensive cars. There is a lot of sand in Deserts, we may need to clean our house all day long. Day and night temperatures in Deserts vary a lot, we may need different clothing for both of them. Dust storms are common in Deserts, our houses may not last long. People who suffer from Herpetophobia, as in, fear of reptiles may shift to a different planet. Water may become more valuable than gold. People who are used to taking long baths, may have to be satisfied with a single bucket of water. Deserts are extremely hot, we may start sweating buckets. Timecodes 0:00 - What if Earth turned into a Desert? 2:02 - What if Shadows Disappeared? 3:15 - What if Solar Panels Disappeared? 4:22 - What if there were no Ants? 5:38 - What if you were the Last Person on Earth? 6:38 - Are Chilies Good for Health? 7:35 - Why do we Shake Hands? 8:37 - What if Everybody started Living Underground? 9:43 - Where does Wind come from? Buy AumSum Merchandise:
