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The 30 Greatest Moments in Sports History -Unbelievable sports moments

Sports have a way of bringing people together in incredible ways. We all stay glued to the screens, in anticipation of what’s to come. We gather with friends and family to enjoy the entertainment that can only be generated by watching a live event, with no definitive outcome in sight. These are the moments we all cherish. And while for the most part, we have a sense of what we could see on take place, every so often we all get a chance to witness history unfold in front of our eyes. These are the types of moments we all wait for. The unpredictability of the game, and the rise and fall of some of the best athletes the world has ever seen. Some of these moments became great, simply due to their near impossible nature. While others had impacts that went even beyond the game itself, influencing various global and cultural factors. In any case, every event that has made it onto this list, is far and away greater than the norm, and has earned its spot as one of the top 30 moments in the history of sports. So sit back, and enjoy facts about people compilation of the greatest moments in sports history.
