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Скачать с ютуб Over 18 million people unable to afford basic needs in Argentina в хорошем качестве

Over 18 million people unable to afford basic needs in Argentina 1 год назад

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Over 18 million people unable to afford basic needs in Argentina

Argentina is tackling a severe economic crisis. Government figures show more than 18 million people are unable to cover their basic food needs. Rising inflation and a sluggish economy have left more people homeless. Al Jazeera’s Katia Lopez-Hodayan reports. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter   / ajenglish   Find us on Facebook   / aljazeera   Check our website: Check out our Instagram page:   / aljazeeraenglish   @AljazeeraEnglish #Aljazeeraenglish #News #Argentina #Economy #EconomicCrisis #Crisis #Government #Needs
