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the never ending fight for women's sports 7 месяцев назад

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the never ending fight for women's sports

Go to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain and use the code ALICECAPPELLE ! ✨You can support the channel on Patreon, and get to join our discord chat and bookclub:   / alicecappelle   SOURCES/RESSOURCES 📚 Most of the ressources I used for this video are in french 😭 but I'll recommend you watch the Battle of the Sexes movie, it was an fun watch (I really enjoyed how the casual misogyny of Riggs is contrasted with the proper misogyny of the sports commentator, namely how while Riggs was being a clown, he's spent his career making sure that women wouldn't be paid equally, that women didn't belong to sports, etc.) Other sources can be found throughout the video :) SOCIALS 👩‍💻 Storygraph: @alicecappelle Instagram: @alicecappelle_ Twitter: @cappelle_alice Enquiries: [email protected]
