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Скачать с ютуб Slayyyyyyed🔥💀 'Team C' and 'Team D' who took over the stage with their sexy performance. в хорошем качестве

Slayyyyyyed🔥💀 'Team C' and 'Team D' who took over the stage with their sexy performance. 1 год назад

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Slayyyyyyed🔥💀 'Team C' and 'Team D' who took over the stage with their sexy performance.

Fantastic performances of "Team C" and "Team D". Best dancers indeed! Your 'Like' and ' Subscribe ' are always welcomed! "Discover your taste in K-contents" #peaktime #teamC #teamD #bad #power #KPOP #kcontentsvoyage ------------------------------------------------------ * What's the program in the video? 【Peak Time】 JTBC 230315 broadcast ------------------------------------------------------
