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Starter Pokemon Battle Royale 💥 Collab With 5 месяцев назад

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Starter Pokemon Battle Royale 💥 Collab With

It's time for another Pokemon Battle Royale! This time.. with all the Starter Pokemon! Who will be the last Partner Pokemon standing? Be sure to watch Lockstin's Analysis Video afterward!    • EXPLAINING The Starter Pokemon Battle... Patreon:   / terminalmontage   Twitter:   / terminalmontage   Facebook:   / terminalmontage   Instagram:   / jeremeyyyyyy   Merch: https://terminalmontagemerchportal.we... Clips Channel:    / terminalmontageclips   Research and Writing by Lockstin    / @gnoggin   Animatic, Animation, Background Art, Coloring, Lineart, Special Effects, Sound Design by Jeremey Chinshue   / jeremeychinshue   Background Art, Background Animation, Special Effects by Edgar Nielsen   / funymony    / @funymony   Stuart Zagnit (the actual voice of Prof. Oak):   / stuzagnit   Music: Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen - Battle VS Wild Pokemon (Sega Genesis Remix) by TheLegendOfRenegade    • Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen - Battle ...   Habanera by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Source: Artist: Pokemon Emerald - Battle! Team Aqua/Magma Leader (Sega Genesis Remix) by TheLegendOfRenegade    • Pokemon Emerald - Battle! Team Aqua/M...   A Wanderer by Peter Crosby (Epidemic Sound) Pokemon Emerald - Decisive Battle! VS Steven Stone (Sega Genesis Remix) by TheLegendOfRenegade    • Pokemon Emerald - Decisive Battle! VS...   LOW HEALTH (A Tight Spot during Battle!): Remix ► Pokémon Black & White by Zame    • LOW HEALTH (A Tight Spot during Battl...      / @the_zame   Pokemon RBY Trainer Defeated (Harvest Moon SNES Soundfont) - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team - Friend Area ~ Pond (Sega Genesis Remix) - By TheLegendOfRenegade    • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue ...   Credits theme; Garden Stage by Jattello    • Bomberman Max 2 - Full soundtrack (os...   For advertising email: [email protected] TERMINALMONTAGE® SOMETHING ABOUT® SOMETHING SERIES® Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. © TERMINALMONTAGE LLC. All Rights Reserved. For additional legal information, please see: https://terminalmontageportal.weebly.... #SomethingSeries #Pokemon #Nintendo #Parody #BattleRoyale #TerminalMontage #Gaming #Cartoon #Animation
