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Bach - Violin Concerto in E major BWV 1042 - Sato | Netherlands Bach Society 2 года назад

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Bach - Violin Concerto in E major BWV 1042 - Sato | Netherlands Bach Society

The Violin Concerto in E major, performed by Shunske Sato and the Netherlands Bach Society for All of Bach, is difficult to date. As so often, we are missing any sources written by Bach himself. Like the Brandenburg concertos, it probably originates from Köthen, but it could also date from Leipzig, where from 1730 Bach led the local Collegium Musicum. Whatever the case may be, we can assume that the scanty couple of surviving violin concertos are merely the tip of the iceberg, and that numerous other orchestral works have been lost or still await discovery. Recorded for the project All of Bach on May 19th 2015 at Felix Meritis, Amsterdam. If you want to help us complete All of Bach, please subscribe to our channel or consider donating For the interview with violinist Shunske Sato on the Violin Concerto in E major go to    • Sato on Bach Violin Concerto in E maj...   For more information on BWV 1042 and this production go to All of Bach is a project of the Netherlands Bach Society, with the aim to perform and record all of Bach's works and share them online with the world for free. Visit our online treasury for more videos and background material on For concert dates and tickets go to Netherlands Bach Society Shunske Sato, violin and direction 0:00 Allegro 7:41 Adagio 13:20 Allegro assai
